TEAM: Daegeon Jeong, Korea – Sylvia Soohee Choi, US/Korea – JeongChoi Works
Before the industrial revolution, physical activities had mingled with people’s everyday life as a way of producing food, making goods, and protecting from enemies. Physical activities were inevitable. After urbanization and industrialization, the amount of daily physical activities significantly reduced due to the development of technology and auto-mobilization. Everyday activities are not enough to maintain health and physical fitness. As a result, sports facilities, such as a gym, fitness center and health club have been started spreading throughout modern cities.
What would people’s everyday life be in the future? All physical activities, movements and labors will be no longer required in a daily routine. Manual labors will be replaced by technologies. Communication will be possible over wireless media. All goods and food will be home delivered. To maintain people’s life physically active, physical activities will have to be inevitably performed regularly. We suggest incorporating sport facilities into city infrastructures, by transforming streets, pavements and parks into sports grounds, swimming pools, ski slopes and running tracks. Instead of selectively using physical facilities, physical activities will be easily integrated into daily routine.